We offer integrative medicine, including acupuncture to pets in Olds, Cochrane, Sylvan Lake, North Calgary, Red Deer, Sundre, Trochu, Three Hills, Didsbury, Carstairs, Innisfail, Bowden & Penhold.
Acupuncture is available for cats, dogs and rabbits on a house-call basis in Central Alberta.
Veterinary Acupuncture Uses:
- IVDD or spine/back pain
- Arthritis or mobility concerns
- Behavioural changes including dementia, anxiety and ocd behaviours
- Allergies and skin conditions
- Cancers
- Hormone diseases
- Auto-immune conditions such as asthma & lupus
- Urinary incontinence (when not due to ectopic ureters)
- Heart disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Blood pressure changes (hypertension)
- Palliative care
- Nausea and reduced appetite
- Infertility in breeding animals