*Coming soon
Canine physical therapy and rehabilitation is a growing field aimed at improving the function of our animal companions. It encompasses a wide variety of therapies. Dr. Brenna Sakatch is currently working on her Certification in Integrative Canine Physical Rehabilitation through the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies (CIVT). She is happy to begin incorporating this into your pet’s visits, however at this time, physical rehabilitation should not be the crux of the house-call appointment. Referral to other veterinary physical therapists can be offered as well – especially for specialized therapies like underwater treadmill.
Physical therapy is concerned with the restoration of normal function through physical modes of treatment such as heat, massage, exercise or electrical stimulation. Rehabilitation is the return to the highest possible level of function, independence and quality of life following illness or injury
The goals of physical therapy include reducing and alleviating pain, minimize muscle loss, reduce joint damage, improve nerve function and enhance fitness in our canine companions. Use of physical therapy can reduce the need for pharmaceutical (medications) pain relief.
We can use physical therapy for neurological conditions, IVDD (disc disease), weight loss, joint and tendon injuries, post-surgical recovery and muscle diseases.
To learn more about canine physical rehabilitation, visit Rehab Vets.